From time to time, we are blessed to know people of apparent genius, people whose insight, understanding, and love are influential in changing the thinking of whole generations and whose impact will be felt for years to come. Dr. Ernest Holmes was such a person.
Dr. Ernest Holmes was a mystic who found God in silence. Going within and experiencing God in the deepest part of himself was his spiritual practice. His spirituality was reflected in his living; he believed he was one with God, and he experienced that oneness in all that he did. As important as the mystical experience was to Dr. Holmes, he also believed that religion had to be applied to everyday life problems as an integral part of the walk of faith. Wholeness involved
the Presence, yes, but also the Power -- the two faces of the dual nature of God.
What is the Science of Mind Teaching all about?
In the language of Dr. Holmes: Religious Science is a synthesis of the laws of science, opinions of philosophy, and revelations of religion, applied to human needs and the aspirations of humankind. The Science of Mind teaching is trans-denominational, honoring all mindful paths to God. We believe that God is a Loving Intelligence, operating in and through all life, and that the spiritual and material universe are One, making it possible for every individual to have a direct relationship with the God of their understanding.
Because Universal Mind represents an objective principle rather than a guru or a deity, it cannot dispense favoritism or judgment. Science of Mind and its benefits are accessible to all on equal terms – without ritual, investment, or formal affiliation. Interested seekers have nothing to confess, promise, renounce, or hand over. So, no matter a person’s faith traditions or culture, the application of the Science of Mind principles and practices, which advocate for the unlimited creative power of our thoughts and us, therefore as co-creators of our reality, will cause new desired conditions to appear in our lives, and impact the greater good of all.
Science of Mind is an open-ended truth. Ernest Holmes did not claim that he had found the ultimate answers to life‘s questions. “This is my revelation, not yours,” he emphasized. “It must always remain open at the top for new insights.” With even the most rudimentary understanding of Mind, any person can use thought to solve day-to-day problems. And, from that point, spiritual awareness can expand indefinitely.
History of New Thought:
The New Thought tradition dates to the 1880s and has its roots in the Transcendentalist Movement of the 1830s. New Thought has an enduring and respected legacy that includes luminaries such as Ralph Waldo Emerson, Emma Curtis Hopkins, Phineas Quimby, and Walt Whitman. Some well-known authors today whose writings are inspired by our teachings include Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, Eckhart Tolle, and many others. Our teachings incorporate the ancient wisdom of all the spiritual traditions through the ages. People of all spiritual paths, Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, New Age and others are welcome in our communities.
Dr. Ernest Holmes wrote the Declaration of Principles, also known as “What We Believe,” for the first issue of Science of Mind magazine, which was published in 1927.
“What We Believe” has been included in every issue of the magazine ever since.
What We Believe – Our Guiding Principles:
We believe that the universe is spiritual and has intelligence, purpose, beauty, and order.
Our beliefs are in harmony with all the world’s great spiritual teachings, and we honor all paths to God. Whether we call it God, Spirit, Energy, or Universal Intelligence, we are ever conscious that all people, places, and things emanate from this Universal Intelligence that is within us and all around us.
You and God are Inseparable.
We believe that God is a Loving Intelligence, operating in and through all life, never separate from anyone or anything. Through study and spiritual practice, we come to understand our oneness with this indwelling Divine Presence. We teach and practice a way of life where we can all learn how to live in accordance with spiritual principles. These principles, which we call the Science of Mind, are as reliable as the laws of physical science. We believe in Cause and Effect and teach that “It is done unto you as you believe.” In essence, your thinking and your expectations create your reality. By studying and applying spiritual laws, you can change your unconscious beliefs and create improved conditions in your life.
WE BELIEVE in God, the Living Spirit Almighty; one, indestructible, absolute, and self-existent Cause. This One manifests Itself in and through all creation but is not absorbed by Its creation. The manifest universe is the body of God; it is the logical and necessary outcome of the infinite self-knowingness of God.
WE BELIEVE in the individualization of the Spirit in us and that all people are individualizations of the One Spirit.
WE BELIEVE in the eternality, the immortality, and the continuity of the individual soul, forever and ever-expanding.
WE BELIEVE that heaven is within us, and that we experience it to the degree that we become conscious of it.
WE BELIEVE the ultimate goal of life to be a complete freedom from all discord of every nature, and that this goal is sure to be attained by all.
WE BELIEVE in the unity of all life, and that the highest God and the innermost God is one God. We believe that God is personal to all who feel this indwelling presence.
WE BELIEVE in the direct revelation of truth through our intuitive and spiritual nature and that anyone may become a revealer of truth who lives in close contact with the indwelling God.
WE BELIEVE that the Universal Spirit, which is God, operates through a Universal Mind, which is the Law of God; and that we are surrounded by this Creative Mind which receives the direct impress of our thought and acts upon it.
WE BELIEVE in the healing of the sick and control of conditions through the power of this Mind.
WE BELIEVE in the eternal Goodness, the eternal Loving-kindness and the eternal Givingness of Life to All.
WE BELIEVE in our own soul, our own spirit and our own destiny; for we understand that the life of all is God.
Science of Mind
The Science of Mind is the core teaching of Centers for Spiritual Living; it is a philosophy that integrates spiritual truths with science and physics.
Simply put, the Science of Mind teaches the unity of all life. Intentions and ideas flow through a field of consciousness, which actually affects and creates the world around us. This idea is common to most major religions and is supported by the teachings of psychology and quantum physics. In the Science of Mind, we believe that the secret to living a successful life is to consciously choose positive and productive thoughts. Put another way, “As you think, so you become.” It is the intention of Centers for Spiritual Living to use Science of Mind principles as a force for good in our world by transforming personal lives.
In the Science of Mind, we believe that the fields of religion and science are complementary and that science will prove what the mystics have said for thousands of years about the nature of God, human beings, and the Universe. These beliefs are being proven even now by many quantum physicists who have found that the universe is made up of energy that cannot be destroyed and is infinitely intelligent.
Science of Mind (SOM) is a registered U.S. trademark of SOMARK, INC., and all rights are reserved. Science of Mind is hereinafter written as only SOM.
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A “Center for Spiritual Living” is a community that provides spiritual tools to transform our personal lives and help make the world a better place. At Centers for Spiritual Living, we teach powerful principles for personal and global transformation, honoring all mindful paths to God. We help people experience a personal relationship with the creator; promote a community of tolerance, understanding, and respect; provide classes, programs, prayer, and meditation; and advocate a safe spiritual community of like-minded people interested in living a spiritual life. Our center teaches the philosophy of the Science of Mind.
Science of Mind (also referred to as Religious Science) is the core teaching of the West Hawaii Center for Spiritual Living.
“The Science of Mind is not a special revelation of any individual; it is, rather, the culmination of all revelations. We take the good wherever we find it, making it our own in so far as we understand it. The realization that Good is Universal, and that as much good as any individual is able to incorporate in [their own] life is [theirs] to use, is what constitutes the Science of Mind and Spirit.” – SOM Text p. 35
We teach that all of existence is One existence. Our “higher power” is actually the sum total of all creation itself. All intelligence, all nature and all experience as the one experience of all Life. Oneness or Wholeness is where everything begins and ends.
As such, this means we are part of It and It is all that we are. We have been imbued with the very same creative potential and power that has created the entire Universe and everything in it. With this knowing, we consciously seek to cultivate greater faith in ourselves, humanity and the cosmos themselves and to act from the greatest principle that binds them all, Love.
“…we have nothing new. We simply have a new approach to an old truth, a more intelligent, a more systematic way of consciously arriving at faith.” – Ernest Holmes.
Science of Mind (also referred to as Religious Science) is the core teaching of the Center for Spiritual Living. Science of Mind is a philosophy that integrates spiritual truths with science and physics. Simply put, Science of Mind teaches the unity of all life. Intentions and ideas flow through a field of consciousness, which affects and creates the world around us. This idea is common to most major religions and is supported by the teachings of psychology and quantum physics. In Science of Mind, we believe that the secret to living a successful life is to consciously choose positive and productive thoughts. Put another way, “As you think, so you become.” It is the intention of the Center for Spiritual Living to use Science of Mind principles as a force for good in our world by transforming personal lives.
We do not consider the Science of Mind to be the same thing as the classical and modern Sciences themselves. We believe that Science is the deliberate and conscious exploration of our experiences and the world around us. While we do not claim the empirical evidence that the Science community has discovered, and never seek to ignore or discredit it, we do believe there are things beyond the empirical world that Science may or may not ever discover.
Our science is the deliberate and conscious exploration of our spirituality and our relationship to the Universe itself. We use the practical application of our own thought, our own spiritual practices and our intangible connection to all of existence in an effort to elicit the results that we desire. In this way, we are practicing a scientific approach to spirituality, or “… a more intelligent, a more systematic way of consciously arriving at faith.” – Ernest Holmes
* Science of Mind is not Scientology or Christian Science and is fundamentally different from these teachings in just about every way.
We believe that the idea of “God” refers to the cumulative creative presence of the entire universe and all of its creation as one thing. While we do not believe in a separate entity or personality called “God” like most traditional religions, we do believe that there is a “Highest Power” and that this power is present within every single person, place, and thing.
Many people in our faith use God to describe what Ernest Holmes called “The Thing Itself” but many also choose to use alternative words to describe like Spirit, The Universe, The One, The Divine The Almighty, and many more. All of these can be viewed as a personal way of trying to describe what many people would call “God”.
By any name, we believe that this “Thing” is ineffable and we invite everyone to use the terms and descriptions that speak directly to them while honoring those used by others.
Absolutely! While we believe that we have the power to heal any and all discord and disease in our own lives and bodies, we embrace the idea that ALL revelation is God’s revelation, including all of Science including Medical Sciences.
Ernest Holmes said we should “Take the pill” while cultivating an understanding of our own wellness to such a degree that the pill is no longer required. We work WITH the world around us and seek to expand our ability to discover, through whatever means available, the ability to heal ourselves.
Yes and no. The Science of Mind philosophy draws from the Christian tradition the belief that the teachings of Jesus are accessible to all people. Ernest Holmes, the founder of Centers for Spiritual Living, grew up in the Christian tradition. Additionally, he was a prolific reader who studied all of the world’s religions and synthesized the truths running through them all, free of any particular dogma. Honoring all paths to God, he developed his philosophy with the intention that all churches, especially Christian ones, would embrace the philosophy and incorporate those teachings into their own.
No, the Science of Mind is NOT considered a “New Age” philosophy.
The Science of Mind is a New Thought philosophy that incorporates spiritual tools of affirmative prayer, healing, and creative visualization to transform lives and make the world more peaceful, harmonious, and prosperous.
New Thought is founded in the idea that there is no intermediary between us and God. Each of us has direct and uninhibited access to all the Good of the Universe. There is no Item, Location or Personality is necessary to experience the full authority of our principles.
New Age is the practice of belief in the powers and properties of Items, Locations, and Personalities. Some believe that this places New Age ideas in opposition to our teaching but, upon deeper study and understanding we come to understand that those who choose to use New Age techniques and practices are no different than those who have chosen a specific form of prayer, a specific eastern meditation technique or any other approach to exploring their own individual approach to Spiritual Living.
The Science of Mind is a New Thought philosophy that incorporates spiritual tools of affirmative prayer, healing, and creative visualization to transform lives and make The New Thought tradition dates to the 1880s and has its roots in the Transcendentalist Movement of the 1830s. New Thought has a long and respected history and includes luminaries such as Ralph Waldo Emerson, Walt Whitman, Phineas Quimby, and Emma Curtis Hopkins. Centers for Spiritual Living does not consider its teachings to be New Age.
People of all spiritual paths — Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, Islam, New Age, and others — are all welcome in our communities
The Science of Mind honors all forms of prayer.
In addition, we teach a unique and specific form of prayer called Affirmative Prayer. This powerful, affirmative method of prayer was developed by Ernest Holmes and involves a five-step process that harnesses the creative process of consciousness. This type of powerful prayer allows new levels of health, wealth, love, and wholeness to become a reality in our lives when we engage it with our full faith.
Meditation is viewed as one of the most important Spiritual Practices we can endeavor to experience in our lives. While some people have been taught that meditation is a specific “type” of spiritual practice, we believe that meditation is actually a state of being and can be practiced in an infinite number of ways.
No matter how you get it done, meditation is the act of becoming completely consciously aware of their divinity and connection to the Oneness of all Life; unencumbered by the past and uninhibited by the future. We urge all practitioners of Science of Mind to practice and cultivate a regular commitment to meditation in their lives.
No. We believe in the eternality, the immortality, and the continuity of the individual soul, however, we make no claim to know exactly what happens after death. What we affirm is that these concepts, Heaven and Hell, are the archetype of the kind of lives we can create. When we pass away, we affirm only that the adventure of our soul continues on a never-ending path of spiritual evolution.
No. We teach that all of creation is divine and whole. This means that all humans are born, have a life and eventually pass on to the next experience in perfect Oneness with the Divine. There is never any way that any human can separate themselves from their divinity. Human acts are all temporary and the only idea of Sin is to act and live in a way that would reflect a separation from this Divine Truth.
We believe every human, as a living expression of God itself, has nothing to forgive and limitless potential to discover and share with the world.
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