Share with us your Spiritual Demonstrations using the principles of Science of Mind
Science of Mind (also referred to as Religious Science) is the core teaching of the Center for Spiritual Living. Science of Mind is a philosophy that integrates spiritual truths with science and physics. Simply put, Science of Mind teaches the unity of all life. Intentions and ideas flow through a field of consciousness, which affects and creates the world around us. This idea is common to most major religions and is supported by the teachings of psychology and quantum physics. In Science of Mind, we believe that the secret to living a successful life is to consciously choose positive and productive thoughts. Put another way, “As you think, so you become.” It is the intention of the Center for Spiritual Living to use Science of Mind principles as a force for good in our world by transforming personal lives.
Affirmative Prayer is a specific style of prayer developed by our Founder,
Dr. Ernest Holmes.
It was specifically designed to reiterate and empower our knowledge and faith in the Philosophy of the Science of Mind and as a Spiritual Practice to use as a means of developing the conscious mentality that will elicit the life we desire to have.
Affirmative Prayer is not about asking, beseeching, begging or otherwise placing a request that “might” be answered. Affirmative Prayer is a process by which we remind ourselves of what we know to be true and further convince ourselves to cultivate even greater faith in that knowing.
This form of prayer focuses only on the desired result and not the conditions surrounding it. Because we are cultivating faith in what we wish to know more fully, we speak it as if it were already so. This means all prayer is best expressed when it is spoken in the present tense as if the prayer itself were already “answered” or demonstrated in our lives.
When we come to Affirmative Prayer we must first be mindful of what we
desire from our prayer. It can be helpful to think of your purpose by asking
ourselves, “What do I want God to know and do in my life?” and then speak
our prayer as if God were speaking and that the outcome or “answer” to the
prayer were already assured.
God Is…
The first step in Affirmative Prayer, known as Recognition, is our opportunity
to remind ourselves that we believe in only Oneness. This is where we
contemplate and consider what God (or whatever you choose to call your
highest power) really is. Because it is everything, we recognize the most
important aspects of it as it pertains to the purpose of our prayer.
I am…
The second step in Affirmative Prayer, known as Unification, is our opportunity
to contemplate our individuality within the One. We use this time to both
remember and feel our unity with it and also to recognize our own individuality
within it. This is where we are reminded that we have the authority to speak
our Word and know that it is already so.
I know…
The third step in Affirmative Prayer, known as the Declaration or Revelation, is
the place where we solidify what we are praying to know. This is where we
speak the Truth as we know it, regardless of circumstances, and know that
the Universe is saying YES to every claim we make! Again, this is spoken as if
it were already done and felt the same way.
I accept…
The fourth step of Affirmative Prayer, known as Acceptance, Giving Thanks or
Expressing Gratitude, is where we simply feel that feeling of already knowing
that the manifestation or “answer” to the prayer is assured. Imagine that what
you prayed for really was already done… then bask in the gratitude. This is
how we really embrace the idea that our faith is operating in the prayer and in
our lives. This is how we embrace the idea that the outcome exceeds even
the feeling of gratitude we have for knowing that it is done.
I release…
The fifth step of Affirmative Prayer, known as Release or Surrender, is where
we remind ourselves that, while we have the thought and prayer in our minds
and our heart, that the Universal Law is what goes forth to bring it into life.
This is where our faith becomes trust. We let it go knowing that the entire
Universe, God Itself, Creation or whatever you choose to call your highest
power is the one that “Makes it so”. This is how we remember that we are
willing to receive rather than willful. We do not “make it happen” but rather
create the idea that the Law will act upon.
Jeanne L.
The results from the journey to finding SOM were one of the most important times of my life. The results were incredible. But what about my state of being before the understanding began?
I was self-conscious and responsible for everything going badly in my life and in everyone else’s life. Did I really believe that it was somehow my fault if the baseball game was canceled? Of course.
Not only that, but it was also my duty to make sure that each person in my life could look to me to solve their problems. Life was negative, thoughts were negative, actions were negative.
I was always on edge, knowing that my next mistake was about to happen. It was me that caused a friend not to return an email. Mine was a shallow, unhappy existence. Who knew at that time, that there was a better way to live? Fortunately, I found out, and this is how it unfolded…
About ten years ago I ended up in Hawai’i on an unscheduled trip and stayed 4 months! My friends convinced me to join them in going to their Sunday service at a golf club, unusual, to say the least. It was my introduction to Science of Mind and Rev. Virginia Barnes. She piqued my interest by sharing that she avoided using negative language. That sounded a bit bizarre to me, but I found myself thinking about that during the week and trying it myself. I noticed that I picked my words more carefully, my thinking changed and over time my actions changed, all for the better.
Over the weeks that followed I attended those services and some home gatherings of like-minded people. I listened and learned so much about myself. I even had a Spiritual Mind Treatment the day before I left the island. Of course, I didn’t believe it would work. But what if I passed by this opportunity and was never exposed to it again? So, I took the chance.
When I got back to Massachusetts, I found myself thinking about what I heard. I read about it, I kept in touch with my new friends, and I changed. This all took time, but with each trip to the island, my belief in my own power to become more than I was before grew. I stayed connected through Zoom for services, meditations, and the most wonderful discussions. Friends and family noticed the difference in me.
The growth and development have been amazing, the changes are immeasurable, and the joy is unlimited! I always feel, even on those “darker days,” that I can reach that spot of joy that helps me to get my balance back.
My life is different, better:
· In relationships
· In discussions
· In growing knowledge
· In looking for opportunities to have Science of Mind to be part of every
situation/phase in my life
· In expanding awareness
· In becoming freer, happier, more confident, fuller of purpose
· In expanding awareness
· I am happy, focused, balanced and grateful.
Helen Radow
I was blind for 59 years. It wasn’t blindness in my eyes it was blindness in my Soul. I couldn’t see the holiness in front of me or anywhere I went. I had many glimpses yet could not fully see. Worse of all, I could not see the holiness in me. Years of conditioning blinded me. I did not see the Truth of how beautiful, loving, inspiring, and exciting that this plane of existence is. Throughout my years, I worked hard to be aware and to release the conditioning so I could fully experience the Goodness that is my birthright on this plane of existence. Science of Mind helped break me free. It started with Spiritual Mind Treatment. Healing occurred through each of the steps. I went from knowing a God of hate to understanding that God is Love. I went from feeling separate to Oneness. I went from manifesting to knowing how The Law works and experiencing the demonstrations…I learned that I am deserving and worthy of all the Goodness that is already there waiting for me to accept. I learned about Perfect Timing and to release my claims into the Law of Mind with confidence, expectancy, and gratitude. I learned that I am an Individual Expression of the Creative Mind. I learned that learning never stops, released and we continue to expand and grow in Spirit. More and more every day, I see the holiness in everything, even when my shadow appears. My shadow is a gift, and it is holy. How much more can a shadow be a gift when I release it into the loving light that allows me to see clearer every moment? I see Love everywhere. I see it as me. I started to look at this world through Love’s eyes and it is quite amazing. I am practicing bringing Loving Awareness wherever I am, from looking at a bug to releasing what no longer serves me. Now I clearly see that the sun is holy by keeping everything alive, the trees are holy by giving shade and
cleaning the air, the ocean is holy by giving us food and beauty, my dogs are holy by giving me unconditional love, relationships are holy by revealing our shadows and to connect with one another through Love. To be able to see the beauty and brilliance of everything is holy.
More to come…..
Describe the Spiritual Practice or Principle Used:The Law of Reciprocity: what you give out, without attachment, is reciprocated by the universe. I used Treatment in identifying and releasing my fears around there is not enough and I am not enough, reinforcing that I am supplied by an abundant universal as I believe it to be. I also stepped up my gratitude for simple pleasures and small occurrences inside and outside of me.
Share your Intended Outcome: I have always believed in being generous, but not always did I give without conscious or subconscious expectation of a reward of some kind. This is giving to get, not giving just for the joy of it. In the former statement, by results were contrived and minimal at best. They came with confusion sometimes and scorekeeping, actually! As I moved into a deeper understanding of the universal law of mind in action, responding to my conscious intention (thoughts + deep feeling/conviction), I realized that universal abundance was infinite and couldn't ever be measured. Now, I give more freely, trusting that this abundance lives in, as and through me, my every act of kindness and generosity, and, having learned to live in alignment or balance with myself, my integrity in care for myself, others and life, I am blessed in receiving abundantly.
Tell us your Demonstration/Result:, I do not need in the same way, and I certainly do not need for any, demonstration to appear in a timely fashion or measured amount, for I know I am supplied, always.
My life reflects this everywhere I look and in all my relations. I am surrounded by beauty, peace and plenty. With income flowing in steadily and outflow shared generously and wisely. I am blessed to tithe and pay taxes and bills, and Ihave enough to create spontaneous gifts for myself and others.
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